• Characters

    Strilugg of the Scaly Tome

    Strilugg of the Scaly Tome The path to power and self-improvement is through knowledge. I have an ancient text that holds terrible secrets that must not fall into the wrong hands. I… speak… slowly… when talking… to idiots… which… almost……

  • Characters

    Avys the Unerring

    Avys the Unerring I’m used to helping out those who aren’t as smart as I am, and I patiently explain anything and everything to others. It is my duty to protect my students. Most people scream and run when they…

  • Characters

    Rakner the Evenhanded

    Rakner the Evenhanded I judge people by their actions, not their words. I have a strong sense of fair play and always try to find the most equitable solution to arguments. I’m convinced of the significance of my destiny, and…

  • Characters

    Kynnsha the Silent

    Kynnsha the Silent The best way to get me to do something is to tell me I can’t do it. I always have a plan for what to do when things go wrong. An innocent person is in prison for…

  • Characters

    Turpin Bravebow

    Turpin Bravebow I’m confident in my own abilities and do what I can to instill confidence in others. People deserve to be treated with dignity and respect. A proud noble once gave me a horrible beating, and I will take…

  • Characters

    Tornarax Witchborn

    Tornarax Witchborn Flattery is my preferred trick for getting what I want. I come from a noble family, and one day I’ll reclaim my lands and title from those who stole them from me. I’m convinced that no one could…

  • Characters

    Ursula Stonewalker

    Ursula Stonewalker I am utterly serene, even in the face of disaster. My isolation gave me great insight into a great evil that only I can destroy. Now that I’ve returned to the world, I enjoy its delights a little…

  • Characters

    Hadraad Hellfist

    Hadraad Hellfist I don’t run from evil; evil runs from me. I like to know my enemy’s capabilities and weaknesses before rushing into battle. I have certain rituals that I must follow every day; I can never break them. Hadraad…

  • Characters

    Faelar the Fearless

    Faelar the Fearless I idolize a particular hero of my faith, and constantly refer to that person’s deeds and example. The ancient traditions of worship and sacrifice must be preserved and upheld. I judge others harshly, and myself even more…

  • Characters

    Issaglyn of the Magic Lute

    Issaglyn of the Magic Lute I get bitter if I’m not the center of attention. When I perform, I make the world better than it was. A scandal prevents me from ever going home again; that kind of trouble seems…