Issaglyn of the Magic Lute

I get bitter if I’m not the center of attention. When I perform, I make the world better than it was. A scandal prevents me from ever going home again; that kind of trouble seems to follow me around.
Issaglyn is a half-elven bard following the College of Lore. A true entertainer, utterly committed to her craft, her spirit blazes when she gets to perform her ancient songs in great gatherings, and grows somewhat darker when forced to skulk in the shadows. She is known to be a friend to beasts and animals.
Issa (as some confidants call her) is a well-rounded adventurer, highly skilled in perception, deception, persuasion, sleight of hand, and many other tricks. She has a variety a spells to assist her teammates. Unusually for a bard, she carries a huge two-handed sword for when a scene gets ugly, as well as a magical Doss Lute whose venerable strings let her turn invisible, fly, and protect herself from various evil powers. Issaglyn is ready to break hearts and crack heads as needed to protect her friends.
Lvl 6 | Half-Elf | Bard / College of Lore