2021 Year in Review | Wandering DMs Season 3 | Wandering DMs S03 E46
As 2021 comes to a close, Dan & Paul reflect on the year that’s gone by and the 3rd Season of Wandering DMs. Some our favorites, some of our bombs, and some things we’ve rethought thanks to our top-shelf brilliant…
Keith Ammann | MOAR! Monsters Know What They’re Doing | Wandering DMs S03 E45
Dan & Paul chat with special guest Keith Ammann, author of the acclaimed book & blog, The Monsters Know What They’re doing, about his upcoming sequel MOAR! We’ll get into how Keith has advanced the state of the art for…
Player Narrative Control | Does it Belong in D&D? | Wandering DMs S03 E44
Paul & Dan discuss the role of Player Narrative Control, and whether it has any place in D&D or not. Does it increase engagement with players in the game, or does it break the sense of role-playing immersion? Does it…
Selecting Magic Items | Powerful Possibilities | Wandering DMs S03 E43
Dan & Paul discuss Selecting Magic Items in your D&D campaign: What’s the right level? How much is too much? What can you do later if you give the players an overpowered magic item? Wandering DMs Paul Siegel and Dan…
Cursed Items | Treacherous Talismans | Wandering DMs S03 E42
Paul & Dan discuss Cursed Magic Items in a D&D. How often should they appear? How difficult to get rid of them? How has the philosophy changed across the editions? And what benefit do they bring to the game, if…
Multi-Party Campaigns | Greater Gaming | Wandering DMs S03 E41
Dan & Paul discuss multi-party campaigns: How can a DM handle more than one play group marauding about a single world? How to handle interactions or conflict between the groups meeting in different places or days? How many is too…
Trading Magic | Markets for Magic | Wandering DMs S03 E40
Dan & Paul share ideas on how magic can be bought, sold, trading, exchanged, and maybe leased in your D&D games. Is it a good idea at all? Can PCs freely sell their hard-earned magic items? Is your DM more…
Playtests | Is the Game any Good? | Wandering DMs S03 E39
Paul & Dan discussing playtesting your new game or adventure design. Is it worthwhile doing it? What amount is valuable? How do you do it? When do you know your game design is done and ready for the public? Dan’s…
Vampires | The Most Dreaded | Wandering DMs S03 E38
Paul & Dan take an old-school spin on Vampires in D&D games. Why were they considered “the most dreaded” of all the original D&D monsters? What pop traditions influence your vampires the most? How many unique subsystem spun off from…
How to Make D&D Scary! | Dungeons & Dread | Wandering DMs S03 E37
Dan & Paul discuss how best to get your D&D sessions in jump-scare mode for a thrilling October! Wandering DMs Paul Siegel and Dan “Delta” Collins host thoughtful discussions on D&D and other TTRPGs every week. Comparing the pros and…