Player Narrative Control | Does it Belong in D&D? | Wandering DMs S03 E44
Paul & Dan discuss the role of Player Narrative Control, and whether it has any place in D&D or not. Does it increase engagement with players in the game, or does it break the sense of role-playing immersion? Does it…
Ten Dead Rats | Season 04 Episode 14
The gang continues to escort Sigmar and his ever growing entourage north towards Altdorf. Yeffi proves her worth as a spy, and they must make difficult travel decisions. Join us in the latest installment of our Original Dungeons & Dragons…
Selecting Magic Items | Powerful Possibilities | Wandering DMs S03 E43
Dan & Paul discuss Selecting Magic Items in your D&D campaign: What’s the right level? How much is too much? What can you do later if you give the players an overpowered magic item? Wandering DMs Paul Siegel and Dan…
Ten Dead Rats | Season 04 Episode 13
The gang has a heart to heart with the God Sigmar, and try to catch him up on the past 2500 years. Will he really make a better Emperor than Indigo? Join us in the latest installment of our Original…
Cursed Items | Treacherous Talismans | Wandering DMs S03 E42
Paul & Dan discuss Cursed Magic Items in a D&D. How often should they appear? How difficult to get rid of them? How has the philosophy changed across the editions? And what benefit do they bring to the game, if…
Multi-Party Campaigns | Greater Gaming | Wandering DMs S03 E41
Dan & Paul discuss multi-party campaigns: How can a DM handle more than one play group marauding about a single world? How to handle interactions or conflict between the groups meeting in different places or days? How many is too…
Ten Dead Rats | Season 04 Episode 12
Delving even deeper into the ancient dwarven stronghold, the gang finds themselves amidst ghosts, gods, and demons. Join us in the latest installment of our Original Dungeons & Dragons and Warhammer Fantasy mash-up, and delight in the shenanigans of a…
Ten Dead Rats | Season 04 Episode 11
The gang is confronted with grim portents of the future of the Empire, but finds a little help along their way to discover the final resting place of Ghal-Maraz. Rumors of the terrible guardian pale before the reality of what…
Trading Magic | Markets for Magic | Wandering DMs S03 E40
Dan & Paul share ideas on how magic can be bought, sold, trading, exchanged, and maybe leased in your D&D games. Is it a good idea at all? Can PCs freely sell their hard-earned magic items? Is your DM more…
Ten Dead Rats | Season 04 Episode 10
With the help of Count Orlock, the gang heads towards Blackfire Pass, but grossly underestimates the difficulties it presents. All looks lost as they find themselves surrounded by enemies, and one familiar face in an old blue dress. Join us…