Rakner the Evenhanded

I judge people by their actions, not their words. I have a strong sense of fair play and always try to find the most equitable solution to arguments. I’m convinced of the significance of my destiny, and blind to my shortcomings and the risk of failure.
Rakner is known as the “Evenhanded” for both his unswerving commitment to fair play for all, as well as his amazing ambidextrous mastery of dueling and swordplay. From his earliest years he was a dedicated adherent to the holy god of Law, and has followed the narrow, difficult, isolated path laid out by that power. Many chaotic and evil opponents have begun by laughing at his small stature, and shortly came to regret their mocking laughter. Hailed as a folk hero in his homeland, he sadly had to choose between true love and duty, leaving a broken heart behind to continue his crusade in a world of cruel giants.
In an unusual career choice for for a Rock Gnome, Rakner is a traditional Lawful Good Paladin, following the Oath of Devotion. He’s trained in the special Dueling fighting style, with bonuses to his longsword fighting, and making double attacks each round. Like many paladins, he has divine senses, can lay on hands to heal, divine smite, turn the unholy, and imbue his sword with sacred energy. He also has the gnomish darkvision and cunning which further boost his saving throws against magic. Plus, outfit in his gleaming Adamantine Armor, he suffers no critical hits, making him unexpectedly one of the stoutest fighters in The Big Bad team roster.
Lvl 6 | Gnome | Paladin / Oath of Devotion