Hadraad Hellfist

I don’t run from evil; evil runs from me. I like to know my enemy’s capabilities and weaknesses before rushing into battle. I have certain rituals that I must follow every day; I can never break them.
Hadraad is an outcast from the Broken Bone tribe of orcs, where he was considered too dangerous by his fellow tribesmen. He literally pounded down the door of a nearby monastery, whose monks responded by taking him in and training him in their esoteric discipline, the Way of the Open Hand. Hadraad become their greatest hope, but the eldest of monks worries, will even his towering talents be sufficient for the tests yet to come?
Hadraad is one of the most well-rounded characters in The Big Bad; every one of his physical ability scores earns a +2 bonus, and his Wisdom exceeds even those. He has the highest movement rate of anyone on the team, and with the monkish Step of the Wind, his capacity to parkour around a battlefield and target the enemies’ weakest points is unparalleled. With his special unarmored defense, his armor class and hit points are above-average; and he’s optimized for powerful stunning strikes to immobilize opponents with a single blow. His arm-wrappings are inscribed with magical runes to serve as Gloves of Swimming and Climbing, so no moat or tower has ever kept him from a goal.
Lvl 6 | Half-Orc | Monk / Way of the Open Hand