Blowing Up Your D&D Game | Ultimate Unexpected Events | Wandering DMs S02 E39

Have you ever accidentally blown up your entire D&D campaign? Party ignores all warnings and marches into a TPK? Time-traveling mishaps throws them in far future? Give player a nuke and they use it? Players intentionally derail your well-laid adventure plot? Dan and Paul discuss how to handle and recover from the WORST. Or is it really the BEST?
Wandering DMs Paul Siegel and Dan “Delta” Collins host thoughtful discussions on D&D and other TTRPGs every week. Comparing the pros and cons of every edition from the 1974 Original D&D little brown books to cutting-edge releases for 5E D&D today, we broadcast live on YouTube and Twitch so we can take viewer questions and comments on the topic of the day. Live every Sunday at 1 PM Eastern time.