Player Expenses | Where Does the Gold Go? | Wandering DMs S03 E05

Paul, Dan, and our live viewers discuss player-character expenses in D&D. A fool and his money are soon parted, but exactly how? What mixture of expenses is right for the DM to make the game balanced and rewarding? We discuss purchasing equipment, potions & scrolls, hiring specialists, big-ticket items like ships, general upkeep, major construction and carousing! Plus some other stuff from the first edition of the game you may have never heard about — but should try!
Wandering DMs Paul Siegel and Dan “Delta” Collins host thoughtful discussions on D&D and other TTRPGs every week. Comparing the pros and cons of every edition from the 1974 Original D&D little brown books to cutting-edge releases for 5E D&D today, we broadcast live on YouTube and Twitch so we can take viewer questions and comments on the topic of the day. Live every Sunday at 1 PM Eastern time.