Flying in D&D | Battles in the Sky | Wandering DMs S05 E38
Dan & Paul reflect on the history of rules for flying in D&D. How easy and powerful should it be to achieve? Does it make castles and climbing skills useless? Is the standard spell sufficient, or should your PCs seek…
Ruins of Adventure | Pool of Radiance Redux | Wandering DMs S05 E37
Paul and Dan reflect on Dan’s epic saga playing through the AD&D Pool of Radiance Gold Box game live in 2022-2023, and dig into the 1988 print publication of the same adventure, Ruins of Adventure. How similar are they? Does…
Money in D&D | More Treasure, More Problems | Wandering DMs S05 E36
Dan and Paul discuss money in D&D, and how they’ve both independently arrived at the need for a silver standard. From measuring encumbrance in coins to stocking dungeons with treasure, to how to drain the players of their inflated wealth,…
Werewolf Games | The Monstrous Mafia | Wandering DMs S05 E35
Paul & Dan discuss Werewolf and Mafia-style games — party-style games with secret roles assigned, including a hidden evil faction, and a group of mostly-innocent civilians trying to survive and uncover the adversaries. What different variants of this game work…
Fearful Ends | Watch Party | Wandering DMs S05 E34
Dan hosts a watch party for the Fearful Ends actual play, as we roll into Halloween and the last few days of the Fearful Ends Kickstarter. Join us and watch along with Dan for the first time! Fearful Ends is…
Diceless Devices | With Matt Finch | Wandering DMs S05 E33
Dan & Paul are joined by Matt Finch, to talk about ways it can be more efficient in your D&D game setup to get random results with dice. Consider cards, chits, spinners, toppling block towers, or Matt’s new app for…
Adapting Content | With the Alexandrian | Wandering DMs S05 E32
Dan & Paul host Justin Alexander, creator of the Alexandrian and the new book So You Want to be a Game Master, for an in-depth chat on the best ways to adapt content to and from D&D and other RPGs.…
Safety Tools | Stress Free Roleplay of Stressed Out Characters | Wandering DMs S05 E31
How do we play characters reacting naturally to highly stressful situations without completely stressing ourselves out? Paul and Dan discuss the variety of safety tools in use in modern roleplaying systems, and how those impacted the development of Paul’s upcoming…
Impossible Odds | Player Autonomy vs Overwhelming Opposition | Wandering DMs S05 E30
With the launch of the Fearful Ends Kickstarter imminent, Dan and Paul discuss roleplaying impossible situations. How do we maintain player autonomy when the deck is clearly stacked against them? What does it mean to “play to fail”, and how…
Natural Healing in D&D | Wandering DMs S05 E29
Without magic, how fast does a character heal in D&D? It may surprise you how much the answer has changed over the editions! Dan & Paul debate which rule is best. And what are hit points, anyway? Wound healing refers…