Creating D&D Pre-Gens | Character Creation for One-Shots | Wandering DMs S06 E28
Paul and Dan discuss creation of pre-generated characters for one-shot roleplaying games. From the fastest and easiest ways to quickly generate stats, to crafting unique back-stories that fit (or fight) with the plot. How does it differ between styles of…
The Measure of Man in D&D | Statting Real People in TTRPGs | Wandering DMs S06 E27
Dan & Paul scope out principles for statting out real people in D&D and other role-playing games. What do the standard ability scores really mean, anyway? How have they varied over editions of D&D across the years? And how can…
Creeping Doom Playtest | Co-DMing Social Encounters | Wandering DMs S06 E26
Dan & Paul give a postmortem on running their fourth Dungeon Design Dash product, Creeping Doom of the Pumpkin King, in a co-DM fashion. It’s their first DDD wilderness adventure, and surprises abound! What happens when the party pursues mostly…
Original vs. Basic D&D Part 2 | Sweep the Leg | Wandering DMs S06 E25
In Part 1 Dan and Paul barely scratched the surface on the differences between Original D&D (1974) and Basic D&D (1981)! Due to popular demand they’re back for more. Hopefully this time they’ll escape the character creation section and get…
Original vs. Basic D&D | Who Wins the Crown? | Wandering DMs S06 E24
Let’s chat about two of our favorite editions of early D&D — Original D&D (1974) and Basic D&D (1981)! Dan & Paul run most of D&D in similar ways, but their instincts sometimes differ in which of these traditions they’re…
D&D on the Clock | Games with Time Constraints | Wandering DMs S06 E23
In this last-minute, condensed episdoe of Wandering DMs, Dan and Paul discuss using real world time elements in games. From timers in D&D adventures to board games that include a ticking clock, they’ll cover everything in under 45 minutes. They…
Jon Peterson | 50 Years of D&D | Wandering DMs S06 E22
One of our all-time favorite guests, Jon Peterson, D&D historian extraordinaire, returns to talk all things about the 50th anniversary of D&D. From his official “Making of Original Dungeons & Dragons 1970-1977”, participation in Gen Con 50th anniversary celebrations, inclusion…
Drugs and Alcohol in D&D | Roleplaying Under the Influence | Wandering DMs S06 E21
Dan and Paul discuss the presence of drugs and alcohol in D&D and other tabletop roleplaying games. They’ll touch on how state alterning substandces are represented in the fiction, rules for handling characters under the influence, and even what happens…
Secret Rules | Playing D&D in the Dark | Wandering DMs S06 E20
Dan & Paul discuss experiences in TRPGs when players don’t know the rules. Is it fundamentally fair or unfair? Does it add to the immersion of the roleplay? What added flexibility dos it give to the GM? Is exploring the…
Jobs in D&D | Gainful Employment for Adventurers | Wandering DMs S06 E19
The Wandering DMs tackle employment in D&D. Do adventurers need day jobs? Does starting a business or pursuing a craft undermine the motiviation to go out treasure hunting? What of systems that define prior careers as part of characgter creation?…