James Maliszewski | Grognardia Returns! | Wandering DMs S02 E38
James Maliszewski is back, and so is Grognardia! As the creator of one of the OSR’s most esteemed blogs from 2008-2012, he took a well-earned break which wound up lasting 8 years. But now it’s 2020, and he’s returned just…
Ten Dead Rats | Season 02 Episode 09
Indigo, Bruno, and Yeffi spend an evening at The Happy Man Tavern with the rescued Elvyra, and learn quite a bit more than they expected. From the sinister plots of the Red Crown to much more personal matters of the…
Action Economy 2 | Second Attacks | Wandering DMs S02 E37
Dan and Paul once again spar over how much stuff you can do in one round of D&D. Do you like your fighters with fractional attacks, double attacks, attacks by weapon type, or as many attacks as they have levels?…
Ten Dead Rats | Season 02 Episode 08
In our latest installment of Ten Dead Rats we are joined by special guest Nat Silverman, playing the bounty hunter Freder. Joining forces with our gang in their hunt for the missing Elvyra, the group tries to locate the mysterious…
Sean K. Reynolds | From TSR to Monte Cook Games | Wandering DMs S02 E36
Dan & Paul are joined with special guest Sean K. Reynolds, who has a long and storied career with D&D and fantasy RPGs: design & development for D&D 2E, 3E, Pathfinder, Greyhawk, Forgotten Realms, now working on Numenera and 5E…
Action Economy in D&D | What Can I Do in a Round? | Wandering DMs S02 E35
The action economy in D&D: what can you do in one round? How long is a round in D&D anyway — does it depend on edition or DM choice? How have the terms changed? How have initiative and turn-sequence rules…
Ten Dead Rats | Season 02 Episode 07
Wrapping things up in Kemperbad the group returns to river travel once more, but will they travel up the Stir towards the Barren Hills, or up the Reik to Grissenwald? Can the dwarves of Grissenwald offer any aid, or is…
Philosophy and D&D | Wandering DMs Season 02 Episode 34
Dan and Paul are joined by Professor of Philosophy Landon Schurtz to take advantage of his work in the fields of games, design, and aesthetics. What do we count as a game, and why? Does the definition of “roleplaying game”…
TPKs in D&D (Total Party Kills) | Wandering DMs Season 02 Episode 33
Dan & Paul discuss the possibility of TPKs (Total Party Kills) in D&D of any edition. A lively, wide-ranging discussion that touches on the very roots of D&D. Do you permit it, promote it, or prohibit it? How often do…
Ten Dead Rats | Season 02 Episode 06
The gang steels themselves to face off against Count Orlock, and is shocked to encounter more ghosts from their past. Will they take the opportunity to finally be rid of their vampiric adversary, or join him in his attempt to…