Our D&D House Con 2024 | Playtesting Our Dungeons | Wandering DMs S06 E11
Paul and Dan check in on their annual D&D mini-convention with friends in a house on the Massachusetts shore, now in its 15th year. What went well, what could go better, what lessons will feed into our future gaming?
Irish Myths in D&D | Feats and Faeries | Wandering DMs S06 E10
This St. Patrick’s Day, Paul and Dan discuss the rich history of Irish myths, legends, and stories in the D&D game. From Druids and Bards to the Banshees and Firbolg, what are some of the best ways to spice up…
How to Run a D&D One Shot | Tips and Tricks for Single Session Play | Wandering DMs S06 E09
How does one run a successful dungeons and dragons one shot game? Dan and Paul discuss how to condense the D&D experience to a single night of fun. They’ll share techniques they’ve developed over the years behind the DM screen,…
Performing Characters in D&D | Tips for Non-Actors | Wandering DMs S06 E08
Dan & Paul discuss tips for embodying a character in body and voice when playing D&D at the table. When we compare ourselves to well-known D&D performers, what are simple simple tricks anyone can use, even if we aren’t trained…
Love in D&D | Roleplaying Romance Respectfully | Wandering DMs S06 E07
For Valentine’s Day, Dan and Paul take a look at how romantic love is portrayed in Dungeons and Dragons. From NPCs with love-based plot lines to the infamous philter of love, we’ll cover ever instance we can think of in…
Year of the Dragon | Dungeons & Dragons at 50 | Wandering DMs S06 E06
Paul & Dan celebrate the Year of the Dragon in New Year’s 2024! In this 50th anniversary year for original D&D, we’ll look back to our best uses for dragons, new discoveries we’ve made, and how best to use unusual…
D&D Honor Among Thieves | Wandering DMs Review | Wandering DMs S05 E18
Dan & Paul give their thoughts on the 2023 movie Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves. For old-school D&D players, is it worth the watch, or another one for the garderobe? Dungeons & Dragons: Honor Among Thieves is a 2023…