Rats! | …and Other Vermin in D&D | Wandering DMs S06 E17

The Wandering DMs take on rats and other vermin in D&D. From swarm enemies to wizard’s familiars, Dan and Paul will explore every way to delight and torment your players with everyday pests.
The term “vermin” is used to refer to a wide scope of organisms, including rodents (such as rats), cockroaches, termites, bed bugs, ferrets, stoats, sables. Disease-carrying rodents and insects are the usual case, but the term is also applied to larger animals—especially small predators—typically because they consume resources which humans consider theirs, such as livestock and crops.
Any species can develop into vermin if introduced into a region where there are favorable living conditions and few natural predators. In such cases, they are seen as an invasive species and humans often choose to fill the role of the predator to limit the danger to the environment.
This description uses material from the Wikipedia article “Vermin“, which is released under the Creative Commons Attribution-Share-Alike License 3.0.