Ten Dead Rats | Season 01 Episode 19
A fight breaks out at the Warehouse, and we finally break out the Insanity Cards during the gang’s last night in Bogenhafen.
Keith Ammann | Season 02 Episode 21
Dan and Paul discuss monster tactics with Keith Ammann, author of The Monsters Know What They’re Doing. The Monsters Know What They’re Doing — https://www.themonstersknow.com/
Ten Dead Rats | Season 01 Episode 18
An unexpected ally helps the gang out, only to mysteriously disappear. Bruno steals a pot, Indigo eats some apples, Trebbiano gets a letter, and Yeffi kills a man.
Wizards | Season 02 Episode 20
Dan & Paul get nitty-gritty about the classic D&D Wizards class; on the history, Vancian spells, spellbooks, expanding spell rosters, how they fit into a party, what kinds of players the attract, and more!
Ten Dead Rats | Season 01 Episode 17
The gang has breakfast with Councilor Magerius, makes an unannounced visit to the Teugan estate, and lose track of each other in the wine cellar.
Ernie Gygax | Season 02 Episode 19
Dan and Paul get and in-depth chat with special guest Ernie Gygax about his role in developing classic D&D, DM’ing for big dungeons groups, his most recent and current projects, and a whole lot more. Marmoreal Tomb @ Kickstarter —…
Ten Dead Rats | Season 01 Episode 16
Yeffi makes contact with the Thieves Guild of Bogenhafen, and proves to be an incredibly competent thief. With new friends in tow, the gang puts together a very lucrative job.
Fighters | Season 02 Episode 18
Dan and Paul discuss the fighter class, from Fighting Man to Battle Master.
Ten Dead Rats | Season 01 Episode 15
With Yeffi off visiting friends at the Crossed Pikes, the remainder of the group follows up with their friends at the Physicians Guild, meets some members of the Stevedores Guild, and takes another trip down a stinking hole.
Toby Drewry | Season 02 Episode 17
Dan and Paul talk to Toby Drewry, lead developer of the d20Pro virtual tabletop, and CEO of Mesa Mundi Inc. A deep dive into theory and use of VTT’s. Check out d20Pro here (free 30-day trial download, and on sale…