Games within Games | Expanding Your Game with Others | Wandering DMs S02 E43

How often does your D&D game contain other games? Dan & Paul discuss how very common this was in the early days of the hobby, and when it’s still a good idea now. Can your game be built on an outside company’s game, like Original D&D/Outdoor Survival, and Dread/Jenga? Is it more than a smart marketing ploy among your own products, like with D&D Expert/Swords & Spells, and Marvel Superheroes/Star Frontiers? Is it a good or bad idea to have unique mechanics for events like jousting, archery, gambling, chases, and battles in the sea and air? We debate the pros & cons with our experiences over the years.
Wandering DMs Paul Siegel and Dan “Delta” Collins host thoughtful discussions on D&D and other TTRPGs every week. Comparing the pros and cons of every edition from the 1974 Original D&D little brown books to cutting-edge releases for 5E D&D today, we broadcast live on YouTube and Twitch so we can take viewer questions and comments on the topic of the day. Live every Sunday at 1 PM Eastern time.