Ernie Gygax | Season 02 Episode 19

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Dan and Paul get and in-depth chat with special guest Ernie Gygax about his role in developing classic D&D, DM’ing for big dungeons groups, his most recent and current projects, and a whole lot more.
Marmoreal Tomb @ Kickstarter — https://www.kickstarter.com/projects/1709227718/ernest-gary-gygax-jrs-marmoreal-tomb-campaign-star
Classic RPG Retreat @ Geek Nation Tours — https://geeknationtours.com/tours/classic-rpg-retreat-lake-geneva-2020/
Editor’s Note – We experienced some connectivity issues during this interview, and as a result Ernie’s voice sometimes appears to break up. We hope the interview is still enjoyable despite these hopefully not too frequent interruptions.