Ability Scores | Methods and Modifiers | Wandering DMs S02 E47

Dan & Paul discuss Ability Scores for D&D player characters across the editions — Options for how they’re generated, what modifiers they produces, what in-game effects they have, and different ways to make an ability check. Considering all the different methods, do you prefer straight-roll, drop-lowest, point-buy, or standard array? Does the best choice differ if you have experienced players vs. newcomers? Bell-shaped or linear check systems? And when should raw ability outweigh experience level?
Wandering DMs Paul Siegel and Dan “Delta” Collins host thoughtful discussions on D&D and other TTRPGs every week. Comparing the pros and cons of every edition from the 1974 Original D&D little brown books to cutting-edge releases for 5E D&D today, we broadcast live on YouTube and Twitch so we can take viewer questions and comments on the topic of the day. Live every Sunday at 1 PM Eastern time.